How You Can Help Your Community
I often get messages from community members who want to improve the animal welfare where they’re from. Here are some ideas to use to start building a foundation, instead of always relying on rescues to come in and do a pick up of all the dogs. That is not sustainable or preventative.
Hopefully there’s a least ONE thing on this list that speaks to you. Don’t give up!
1.Call your band office and ask to speak to the Director Of Operations. They work directly with Chief and Councilors and Department Managers.
- Ask them which Department is responsible for directly dealing with dog/animal concerns, and what is the process. Ask how they handle with animal neglect, or packs of dogs. Don’t be afraid or shy to ask questions. This is your community and these staff members have roles and responsibilities that are to work for the community.
2. Collect Data from Pet Owners - Use template to canvass and collect data from community members.
3. For traps - They are shipped from Alberta, can take within a week to get it if you order today! Check the measurements to make sure they'll be big enough.
The one I use is Tru-Catch 48" Folding Live Trap which is $500 but worth it because I can fit it in my car. There are some similar for $170! Check it out. Use to catch ferals, strays, or lost animals.
4. Community Dog Booklet - this will help Departments or Committees have a plan. Use this as your organizer.
5. Ermineskin First Nation - they have a great dog care and control program implemented in their community. This is their website link, and contact info.
6. Dog lot ideas - For strays, ferals, dogs in heat, unclaimed dogs, lost dogs. From Earthdog's Reason Initiatives - FB Page:
*disclaimer update: pictures removed from our site due to photographer wanting them down. We did ask manager for permission - but wasn’t sufficient enough for photographer.
Doesn’t take away a great idea that should be implemented in communities.
7. Pet Id tags & more:
I can make pet id tags for owners for $5 each. These will help keep your pet safe from getting lost, or getting picked up from a rescue.
8. Use your SOCIAL MEDIA!! Post pictures of dogs/animals who need help, tag elected leadership, fundraise for food or vet care, etc. Make a Facebook Community Group Page for pet owners to stay connected about any alerts.
Build a foundation and then start bringing rescues in.
I know this is a lot of information but it's important to start somewhere.